Florida Early Learning and Developmental Standards and Professional Competencies Estándares de Aprendizaje y Desarrollo Temprano y Competencias Profesionales de Florida

Data-Informed Decision Making

Data-Informed Decision Making

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Using data to make program and instructional decisions follows a cycle of collecting, organizing, and analyzing data leading to informed decisions. Educators need support in designing and maintaining this process. This section of the Director Toolkit provides an example of this process using the VPK Assessment, which is a formal, progress monitoring assessment.

Overview of Data-Informed Decision-Making

Data includes information and/or statistics from a variety of formal and informal assessments. Data can be used to make program decisions including curriculum and professional development.

Formal and Informal Assessments

Both informal and formal assessments can be used to make informed program or instructional decisions. This document reviews what assessment is and provides examples of each type of assessment that can be used to gather information about early learners.

Reviewing and Analyzing VPK Assessment Data

Overview of the Florida VPK Assessment

The Florida Voluntary Prekindergarten (VPK) Assessment is a formal progress assessment used in many preschool classrooms. The information from the assessment can be used to inform instructional and program decisions.

Process for Reviewing and Analyzing AP1 Data

Beginning of the year program data is considered “baseline” data, i.e., it provides information about where a child is as they enter a program. In addition to the assessment score, there is a variety of information that can be obtained from the first assessment period.

Process for Reviewing and Analyzing AP2 Data

Mid-year data can be used to determine if children are on target in meeting expected learning outcomes. A specific strategy is suggested to “look closer” at the data to plan instruction to meet the needs of all children.

Process for Reviewing and Analyzing AP3 Data

End-of-program data helps instructors plan targeted instruction needed to practice, reinforce and maintain acquired skills to ensure children are successful learners as they enter kindergarten.

Instructional Resources to Support each Assessment Period

Quality Learning Environment Knowledge Check

At the beginning of a program, instructors are getting to know their children as well as planning and setting up a quality learning environment. This document provides key components to include in a quality learning environment.

Classroom Summary Chart – AP1, 2, 3

The VPK Assessment Online Reporting System provides reports that are informative in making instructional decisions following each assessment period. This resource allows instructors to look closer at the data by entering the raw scores on a class chart.

Expected Norm Score Chart – AP1, 2, 3

The expected norm score is the score that determines if a child is exceeding, meeting or is below expectations for each VPK assessment measure. The process for determining this score provides many insights for instructors.

Classroom Data Worksheet – Template AP2

Mid-year data provides crucial information for determining children and class progress. This worksheet supports instructors in planning for meeting the needs of all children.

Classroom Data Worksheet – Math Example AP2

This is an example of how to use the classroom data worksheet using math scores.

End-of-Year Program Survey – AP3

This survey can support directors, instructors and support staff in looking at the year’s data to make program changes, revise curricula and plan for professional development.


Overview of Quality Teaching and Learning

This video provides an example of what a quality preschool learning environment “looks like and sounds like” in a preschool classroom.

Discussing AP2 Data

A VPK director reviews and discusses AP2 data with an instructor. The VPK instructor explains what the data is telling her and how she will move forward. The director provides a Classroom Data Worksheet and plans a follow-up visit.

Planning for Instruction – AP2

A VPK director joins an instructor after she has completed the Classroom Data Worksheet. The VPK instructor discusses how she is planning to meet the needs of children who are exceeding, meeting and below expectation in specific math areas.

End of Program Team Meeting

A director meets with her team after they completed the End of Program Survey. The team discusses what they learned from administering the Florida VPK Assessment and shares their instructional goals for next year.